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NEAS Presentations at ETS 2023

Research and scholarly presentations at the annual NEAS meeting

Researchers, scholars, and students presented twenty papers covering a wide variety of topics during NEAS sessions over three days at the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) annual meeting held in San Antonio, Texas on November 14-16, 2023.

Presenters, Organizations, and Papers

  • Jerry Boyce, Trinity Southwest University, "Forget Father Abraham – How Old was Mother Sarah? Another Look at Patriarchal Lifespans"

  • David E. Graves, Faith Bible Institute, "Eight Years of Excavations at Tall el-Hammam of a Monumental Roman/Byzantine/Islamic Bath Complex"

  • Greg Gulbrandsen, Associates for Biblical Research, "Conservation, Restoration, or Destruction?"

  • Mark A. Hassler, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, "Pottery in the Bible: Its Typology, Manufacturing, and Use in Imagery"

  • Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University, "Israelite Temples and the 'Altar Law' of Deuteronomy 12:5"

  • Joshua Hunter, Welch Divinity School, "The Egyptian Cult of Isis in Ancient Corinth and I Corinthians"

  • Brian Janeway, University of Toronto, "The Kingdom of Palastin: Sea Peoples of the North?" (video available below)

  • Abigail Leavitt, Ariel University, "The Late Date vs. The Early Date at the Mount Ebal Altar" (video available below)

  • K. Lynn Lewis, The Bible Seminary, "How Many Hebrews is 603,550?"

  • Brian Maggard, Veritas International University, "Semi-precious Stones from Archaeological Excavations: Carnelian as a Case Study"

  • Douglas Petrovich, Brookes Bible College, "The Hebrew Inscription of the 15th Century BC on the Lachish Ivory Comb"

  • Chet Roden, Liberty University, "G. E. Wright’s God Who Acts: Where Theology, Anthropology, and Archaeology Meet"

  • Steve Rudd, Shiloh Excavations, "Tower of Babel: Archaeology and Dating"

  • Phillip Silvia, Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, "When God Moves Heaven and Earth"

  • Robert W. Smith, Mid-Atlantic Christian University, "Human Experience in the Pilgrimage Complex of Abila: Contributions of the 2023 Field Season"

  • Frankie Snyder, Independent Scholar, "Reconstructing an Opus Sectile Wall Panel from the Byzantine Church at Jerusalem’s Siloam Pool"

  • Scott Stripling, The Bible Seminary, "Fifth Excavation Season at Shiloh" (video available below)

  • Gary D. Urie, Veritas International University, "Three Non-Hyksos Scarabs from Tel Shiloh: Chronology, Typology, and Iconography"

  • Clayton Van Huss, The Bible Seminary, "You Carried the Star of Your Gods: Pagan Cultic Material Culture in the Worship of YHWH"

Sample presentations available



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